Saturday, August 8, 2009

On the origins of becoming a "blogger":

I feel obligated to make some preliminary disclaimer on the limits of an online identity in order to affirm my own aversion, but let's be straight - that kinda dogma is bullshit. That being said, at this juncture I am still very unsure of the intent of this blog, the seriousness with which I approach it, and the overall seaworthiness of the whole venture. I honestly don't know much about "blogs" and "bloggers", but I do know there are stories, excitement and obsession I wish to share and, given the world we live in, this perhaps is the best venue for my forays into self-involvement, as undesirable as it may be. I must also confess that I hope blogging will help me with completing my various projects (this will largely become a personal art blog if all goes accordingly). Still, with all of that hot air considered, I would much rather we convened in secret, between headstones or amongst the pines to conspire over campfires or to catch up with one another through notes hidden in dusty library books and scrawled on the walls of bus stops. That is to say, we should hang out. Chances are, I'm secretly in love with you.

Your friend,


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