Sunday, August 9, 2009

Lost Histories

Sitting in my room is a pile of 50 or so old photographs found in a drawer in an antique store downtown (the Seattle Antiques Market, a great Mausoleum of history found across the street from the aquarium). Each of these pictures is strangely powerful, even (maybe especially) those that were taken by unskilled hands. There is something weird about the more candid images - they almost involve the viewer, perhaps because they're so personal the perspective becomes familiar. Like the old cliche, many of these photos serve as windows to a very fleeting moment long past. Some of the photos I'm particularly drawn to are lonely or seemingly empty, such as the first. I've uploaded a few of my favorites for one reason or another. Maybe I'll post more in the future - because these artifacts have been disowned, literally sold away, they exist in my mind in some sort of ownership limbo. They definitely belong to somebody, somewhere, but I'm not sure whom, so in the meanwhile let's be Peeping Toms.

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